Back Pain Doctor Or Chiropractor: Dizziness is an annoying symptom to have, particularly if you’ve been dealing with it for a time now and it’s become more persistent. Feeling light-headed, woozy, or off-balance are all symptoms that can be associated with dizziness. It is essential to keep in mind that dizziness is not a disorder or disease in and of itself but rather a symptom of another condition. Vertigo, which is a sort of dizziness, is another symptom that one could experience. Vertigo is a condition that causes a person to have the sensation that either they or the environment around them is spinning or moving. Due to the sensation of being unbalanced, vertigo can make it difficult to manage routine duties such as walking or driving. The severity of the condition will determine how tough these tasks will be.

There are several different disorders that might bring on feelings of dizziness. The dizziness that occurs just prior to passing out is typically brought on by hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) or hypotension (low blood pressure) (low blood pressure). Other conditions such as anxiety, anemia, dehydration, ear infections, vision problems, metabolic problems, meniere’s disease, labyrinthitis, heat stroke, dehydration, motion sickness, excessive exercise, BPPV (benign positional paroxysmal vertigo), vestibular neuritis, TIAs (transient ischaemic attacks), head and neck injuries, and cervicogenic dizziness can also cause dizziness. Cervicogenic dizziness Having dizziness that originates in the neck is referred to as having cervicogenic dizziness.

Back Pain Doctor Or Chiropractor

It might be challenging for medical practitioners to identify between vascular, vestibular, or cervicogenic dizziness as the underlying cause of their patients’ symptoms. Cervicogenic dizziness can cause a variety of symptoms, including unsteadiness, disorientation, neck pain, migraines, and a reduced range of motion in the cervical region. It is possible to distinguish cervicogenic vertigo from vertigo that is caused by problems with the vestibular system (the ears) by observing the patient’s neck movement. If a patient has vertigo whenever there is a change in the position of their neck or whenever there is movement of their neck, the condition is most likely cervicogenic in origin. Cervicogenic dizziness can occur as a result of biomechanical, inflammatory, or degenerative changes in the neck. It can also occur as a result of whiplash injuries. Some people feel that cervicogenic dizziness can be traced back to dysfunctional proprioceptive inputs in the cervical region. (Proprioception is the term used to describe our body’s capacity to understand where it is located in space.)

A trip to the chiropractor is one of the treatment options available for patients suffering from cervicogenic dizziness. In order to alleviate the symptoms of dizziness that you have been experiencing, your chiropractor will treat your cervical spine by conducting cervical manipulation as well as other soft tissue treatments. It’s possible that the resolution of erroneous proprioceptive inputs, an increase in range of motion in the cervical spine, and a decrease in pain are all responsible for the improvement.

Joint Health Chiropractic – Chiropractor in Pretoria

  • 501 Jochemus St, Erasmuskloof, Pretoria, 0048
  • 0790919756
  • Monday – Friday: 8am-5pm, Saturday: 8am-12pm