It is possible that it would be beneficial to take a page from the old playbook. Which book is this? I’m referring to the “big book” of Alcoholics Anonymous, which is that brilliant collection of words written by Bill W. and is the one that has assisted a great number of people in transitioning from the disarray of active addictive behavior into serenity. Who better to turn to for assistance at this time than people who have succeeded in the past despite facing challenging circumstances?

The Most Important Thing to Do

Acceptance is the most important step. Accepting things that make us uncomfortable or that veer away from our perception of what is normal is never an easy task. It is common for giving up to be interpreted as a sign of weakness or failure, but in reality, the opposite is true. Addicts in recovery have come to terms with the fact that they do not possess the ability to exercise control over their substance use; this realization enables them to make progress toward leading lives that are both better and more healthy.

As a result of the pandemic, we are all suddenly confronted with a different reality, one that now includes scenarios such as prolonged periods of isolation, the loss of jobs, and heightened levels of anxiety, amongst other possibilities. When we take a realistic view of the situation and acknowledge all of its complexities, we give ourselves the ability to make progress. If we take off our rose-colored glasses and see the challenges that lie in waiting for us, we will have the opportunity to plot a new course and successfully navigate the landscape. This may be intimidating at first, but it will give us the chance to do so.

Examine Your Actions Before You Bring Ruin Upon Yourself

Have you ever heard the phrase “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”? This is a true story, and to avoid going down a slope that is difficult to control, we can take care of four different states of being, which will also prevent us from taking a long walk off a short pier. Hungry, Angry, Lonely, and Tired, abbreviated as H.A.L.T. You will be able to operate from a better position and allow yourself to make better decisions if you can learn to master the balance of these four states.

Maintaining a sense of equilibrium during recovery is important for reducing the risk of relapsing and for coping with the constant flux of modern life.

Keep in mind that taking care of yourself is not the same thing as being selfish and that your cup should be full. What is already in the cup belongs to you and helps you perform at the highest possible level; anything that is left over belongs to the people you care about.

I Believe That I Can, I Believe That I Can… I Have No Doubt About My Ability

This simple phrase is repeated over and over again by Thomas the Steam Train as he laboriously climbs the hill with his underpowered engine. And every once in a while, he pauses to consider whether or not he will ever be able to make it up.

We make mistakes, we lose our strength, and at times we feel like giving up. In terms of recovery, this is relevant to everyone. There are good days and there are bad days, but the key is to always keep in mind that making progress rather than reaching perfection is the ultimate goal. The only way to get through this is to put one shaky foot in front of the other. It is required to fall, but it is also required to get back up.

Living Life on One’s Terms

The only option is to go directly through it because there is no other way around, over, or under it. We have no control over the things that life will throw at us, but we do have a choice in how we will respond to those things.

Individuals who are recovering need to be able to deal with the occasionally catastrophic beatings that life deals them without turning to substances to numb their feelings. Similarly, to combat this pandemic, we need to learn to walk alongside challenging situations rather than running away from them.

The writer of “The Prophet,” Kahlil Gibran, is quoted as saying, “There will be no joy without sorrow,” and if we give this some thought, we may conclude that we appreciate the sunshine more after it has rained heavily for several days. Being resilient in the face of the challenges we are currently facing will serve all of us well both now and in the future.

This Very Moment is Where All of Your Power Resides

When people are in the early stages of recovery, they often question whether or not they will be successful. The magnitude of maintaining long-term sobriety can seem momentous and intimidating. They are inspired to take things “one day at a time” because they believe that this will help them stay in the here and now and will be of great assistance to them when it relates to dealing with the challenges of life as they arise rather than trying to anticipate what might take place in the future.

We have no way of knowing how long the pandemic will last or how it will affect our lives in the future, but what we can do is keep our attention on the task at hand and make sure that we are always doing what is best for both ourselves and the people in our immediate environment. You might want to think about other things as well, such as the question, “How do you digest an elephant?” Taking it one individual bite at a time

Giving Back to Other People In Recovery

The majority of people who are currently on the path to recovery from addiction did so with the assistance of another person in pointing them in the right direction. Being of service to others is a central tenet of the recovery process and can also be of assistance during this pandemic.

It’s possible that if we share the anguish and the experiences of our memories or even the circumstances of our current situation, we’ll be able to help someone else survive in the future. Asking someone else about how they are doing is a very simple yet effective way to be of assistance to the many people who are battling a variety of feelings, including anxiety, loneliness, and isolation.

Give it some thought. Nobody possesses all of the answers, but what each of us does have is the ability to be present with another person and to assist them in experiencing being heard. When we make the effort to share and make room for another person, we not only assist that person but also prevent ourselves from losing sight of the objectives we have set for ourselves.

Gratitude Transforms What We Already Possess Into Sufficient Resources

It is very simple to get stuck in the mindset of “poor me” and allow oneself to feel sorry for oneself. Because, unfortunately, there are times when life is difficult and gives us lemons when we’d much rather have lemonade. In addition, the majority of the time, it is much simpler to complain about everything incorrect with the world rather than look at what is correct.

It is not always the case that better means easier. If you truly delve deep and take stock of all the stuff you should be grateful for, you will begin to see that gratitude is a critical enabler for happiness.

Nurture a mindset of gratitude and make a list of stuff you have to be grateful for, then review that list every day; you will be amazed at how many additional things you’ll find to add to the list if you do this. Pay it forward and share with another person the qualities they possess that you admire and the reasons you are thankful for them.

To Genuinely Live is to Embark on a Very Exciting Journey

A house that does not have a strong foundation is very likely to be blown away by even the mildest of storms. Those who are working through the process of recovering from an addiction are aware of the fact that attending to the details of day-to-day life helps one to address more significant concerns in the future. Building a strong structure from the ground up increases one’s determination and resilience.

We would do well, to turn inwards to find all of the pieces of ourselves that we feel are missing or that hinder our progress and to utilize this time to focus on them. That could mean putting effort into a relationship, devoting more time to exploring your creative side, or becoming familiar with different meditation practices.

Better Together

Both addiction and pandemics share the common thread of disassociation and alienation, neither of which is emotionally healthy for any human being. Community and a sense of belonging are essential for each one of us. During this difficult period, all of us will be able to keep in touch with one another through the use of cutting-edge technology, whether it takes the form of something as uncomplicated as a phone call, a text message, or a video chat. Maintain your connections with those who provide support for you or your tribe. Together, we have more strength.

Who is Normal?

One person’s abnormality is another person’s ideal. This fixation on what is considered to be normal is almost as bad as committing a crime. The desire to return to a state of normalcy has extinguished the flames and muted the drama in so many people’s lives.

According to a well-known proverb, “why aspire to fit in if you were born to stand out?” When we permit ourselves to accept the aspects of ourselves that we are embarrassed by, we make room for personal development. Normal is as normal does, and as long as you take care of yourself, work toward leading a healthier lifestyle, and maintain awareness, then you are doing perfectly fine.